Tanya Donelly is 50 years old (birthdate: July 14, 1966).
US actress Tanya Chisholm is 34 years old (birthdate July 1, 1983).
Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947. He is 62 years old.
Arnold Vosloo is 52 years old (birthdate: June 16, 1962).
Mark Arnold is 54 years old (birthdate: May 23, 1957).
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Tanya will be 24 years old when she is three times as old as Shawn, who will be 8 years old at that time.
Tanya Roberts is 55 years old (birthdate: October 15, 1955).
Tanya Chisholm is 27 years old. She was born on July 1st, 1983.
Tanya James is 27 years old. She was born on October 27, 1983.
Tanya Chua is 36 years old (birthdate: January 28, 1975).
Tanya Donelly is 50 years old (birthdate: July 14, 1966).
Tanya Branning-Jessop is 36 years old as for 2011, and will be 37 on Feb 20.
US actress Tanya Chisholm is 34 years old (birthdate July 1, 1983).
Tanya Savicheva was born on January 25, 1930 and died on July 1, 1944. Tanya Savicheva would have been 14 years old at the time of death or 85 years old today.
Tanya Savicheva died on July 1, 1944 at the age of 14.
She's 34.