Vitolo is 28 years old (birthdate: September 9, 1983).
She is 27 years old. Born in March 10, 1983.
Mexican actress Maite Perroni is 35 years old (birthdate: March 9, 1983).
Kim Schifino is 31 years old (born 1982-1983).
Jerious Norwood is 33 years old (born July 29, 1983).
You will turn 30 in 2013.
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
as of today sep 20,2012 23 years old. you will be 24 on dec 13 of this year
She was born Dec. 9, 1920.
26 at the present time
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
he is 15 he was born dec 17 so he just turned 15 this recent dec!
1986 (as of Dec 29th 2013) unless your DOB is dec 30 or 31
33 (born 12 dec. 1975)
you will be 19 in the year 2011
she is 26 she was born Dec 8 1984