Nathan Kress 20 years old in 2013
Nathan Lane is 61 years old (birthdate: February 3, 1956).
Nathan Cayless is 32 years old. He was born on March 28, 1978.
Nathan august reed is 22 years old
Shanell from (Young Money) or the singer is 28
Shanice Archer goes by Shanice Alexia.
Shanice Archer's birth name is Shanice Alexia Archer.
She is 12 years old April 10, 1998-2010
Shanice was born on May 14, 1973.
Shanice was born on May 14, 1973.
Shanice Archer is 5' 4".
Shanice Kamminga is 5' 7".
The closest Hawaiian name to Shanice would be "Keahi" which means "flames" or "fire".
Shanice means: "the Lord is gracious." Cha Cha!
Shanice Seiboth goes by Shaniqua.
Somewhere - Shanice song - was created in 1993.