Maybelline Canela is 5' 9".
Lili St. Cyr was born on June 3, 1918 and died on January 29, 1999. Lili St. Cyr would have been 80 years old at the time of death or 97 years old today.
Lili Reinhart's birth name is Lili Pauline Reinhart.
Lili Zahavi is 157 cm.
Jencarlos Canela is 29 years old (birthdate April 21, 1988).
Jason canela is brother of 22 year old jencarlos canela Jason canela was in the tv show donde esta elisa in English it means where is elisa
Jason Canela is 25 years old (born April 25, 1992).
Cuban model Liliana Estefan Garcia is 50 years old (birthdate March 20, 1967).
Lili Taylor is 44 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1967).
The population of Canela is 40,147.
Canela is located in the Serra Gaucha of Rio Grande do Sul. Canela means cinnamon in the languages of Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. Canela is a popular destination.
Mercè Canela was born in 1956.
Jason Canela was born in 1992.
Canela was created on 1944-12-28.
The area of Canela is 254.579 square kilometers.