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she is 18

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Q: How old is miley curus now?
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Who is Miley curus boyfriend?

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Does miley curus still likes Nick Jonas?

So people say they are olnly friends not girilfriend and boyfriend

What happened in december with taylor swift demi lovato and miley curus?

I guess that's the year girls get their heart broken

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Did miley curus save a dog?

no , miley didnt she shot it in the face and then raped it , then threw it in a feild and got raped by a bobcat , then she became preggo and gave birth to pigs . hope i helped -nomiee

Has ronaldinio kissed miley curus?

Yes she has and she is going out with Ronaldino -Christina Nunez Cypress, TX 18206 Blake valley LN. 77429

Is Miley Cyrus 4366 years old?

No. Miley Cyrus is 17 years old right now