Mia Farrow is 72 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1945).
Mia Martini died on May 12, 1995 at the age of 47.
She was born on July 17th 1975 in Sri Lanka. Despite reports of her being born in 1977, upon the birth of her son her true birth date was revealed due to documentation process for his birth certificate.
Mia Talerico is just 4 years old. Mia's because her birthday was yesterday.
how old is alex angelo
Angelo Peruzzi is 41 years old (birthdate: February 16, 1970).
Angelo Badalamenti is 74 years old (birthdate: March 22, 1937).
Angelo Fusco is 55 years old (birthdate: September 2, 1956).
Angelo Barretto is 41 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1969).
Angelo Iorio is 29 years old (birthdate: August 26, 1982).
Angelo Falcón is 60 years old (birthdate: June 23, 1951).
Angelo Siniscalchi is 32 years old (birthdate: July 15, 1984).
Angelo Parente is 30 years old (birthdate June 22, 1987).
I think Mia Hewitt is 6 years old
The address of the San Angelo Old Town Conservancy Inc is: 11546 Northcross Ln, San Angelo, TX 76904-3628
Mia Mckenna Bruce is 15 years old :)