Mark Bentley is 34 years old.
Mark Wahlberg is 46 years old (birthdate: June 5, 1971).
Mark Feuerstein is 46 years old (birthdate: June 8, 1971).
According to her bio on KTLA News 5, she is married to Sky5 helicopter pilot and reporter Mark Kono and they have one son who is 3 years old.
Former Australian rules footballer Mark Thompson is 54 years old (born November 19, 1963). US radio personality Mark Thompson is 62 years old (birthdate: December 1, 1955). BBC and NYT executive Mark Thompson is 60 years old (born July 31, 1957). There is no biographical information for Los Angeles weatherman and announcer Mark Thompson.
Pittsburgh former TV weatherman Joe DeNardo is 87 years old (birthdate: November 27, 1930).
mark is 47 years old i think
Mark Bentley is 34 years old.
no mark Henry does not do old school
Mary Beth McDade of KTLA has not released her age to the public. McDade is a new anchor and reporter, and has won awards in journalism.
Mark is 22 years old.