Madonna is 53 years (16 August, 1958) Lady Gaga is 26 years (28 March, 1986)
Right now in the year of 2011 she is turning 25 years old and her birthday is on March 28th :)
she was 22 years old
Lady Gaga's mother, Cynthia Bissett Germanotta, was born in 1954. She is 56-years-old in 2010.
Lady Gaga is not pregnant. But, I'm sure you're old enough to know how she would've got pregnant if she was.
48 or 46 now, she was 13 when she had lady gaga!
lady gaga is 23
Madonna is 53 years (16 August, 1958) Lady Gaga is 26 years (28 March, 1986)
Lady Gaga is much more famous now, her songs get 100 million + views. But we all know Pele is the best football (well he was but he's 70 years old now).
their older than the dinos lol
lady gaga is 25 years old this year of 2011
On March 28th 2011 Lady Gaga will be 25 years old.
Lady Gaga is 25 years old she was born in 1986
Lady Gaga I think does not have dogs I really don't know because I am not related to her
as of 2011, lady gaga is turning 25.
I relly now her can play keyboard and piano.Lady gaga has play piano in 9 years-from she was just 4 years old, to13
Lady gaga is old enough to be talking pills.