The model Katya Santos is 32 years old as of May 2014. She was born Katrina Santos and began her career on Ang TV.
Katya Berger Andreadakis's birth name is Katya M Berger.
Katya Baker Lavine is 5' 7".
Yes, Katya did leave the bad girls club.
Katya Santos is a famous and accomplished Filipina actress. She was born on February 6, 1982 in the Philippines. Her birth name was Katrina Santos and her first starring role on television was at the young age of 13.
Arnold Wolfendale was born on 1927-06-25.
Eric Wolfendale has written: 'Transistor bias tables (germanium)' 'Transistor bias tables'
The model Katya Santos is 32 years old as of May 2014. She was born Katrina Santos and began her career on Ang TV.
Katya Khizhnyak goes by Katya Khinski.
Emily: 15 Finlo: 14 Katya:11
No,But Katya Garza has an e-mail.
Katya Medvedeva was born in 1937.
Katya Kinski was created in 2005.
Katya Khizhnyak is 175 cm.
Katya is not a measurement.
The name Katya means to be pure.