Jenni Rivera was 43 years old when she died on December 9, 2012. (birthdate: July 2, 1969)
Chiquis, Jackie, Michael, Jenica, and Johnny
If you're talking about Jenni Barber the actress, the was 23 in 2006. I'm not sure when her birthday is, so I can't be sure about it, but I think she's 26. I know for (almost) sure she is not yet in her 30s, and that she wasn't born before or during the 70s.
Brent Rivera is 19 years old (birthdate January 9, 1998).
Even though her daughter is around 30 years old, she presents her daughter as being 15 or 16 because of her innocence. She also exploits him by making Mr. Shiftlet marry her daughter.
Jenni Rivera was 43 years old when she died on December 9, 2012. (birthdate: July 2, 1969)
8-year-old daughter, Sasha, and Older daughter Malia, 10.
there is no daughter older then her mom "84"
The mother is 26 and the daughter is 5
Chiquis, Jackie, Michael, Jenica, and Johnny
there is no age limit idiot
As of the 2014 MLB season, Rene Rivera is 30 years old.
he would be 45 years old