Julio and Carlos
June 6 1988
Lenny Kravitz is 53 years old (birthdate: May 26, 1964).
Lenny Bruce died on August 3, 1966 at the age of 40.
Lenny Dykstra is 48 years old (birthdate: February 10, 1963).
No Lenny does have a gf
On what year Lenny was born
No Lenny is not single he appears to be in a relashinship
Julio and Carlos
June 6 1988
Dyland's lastname is Cruz. And Lenny's lastname is Ruiz.
Dyland's real name is Carlos Castillo Cruz & Lenny's real name is Julio Manuel Gonzalez Tavarez. Dyland is the tall dark one & Lenny is the short lighter one.
i think dyland is married and lenny he is single but they are both hot and cute and i love thier song they singing great i won to met them one day but i live in fl and i love all the song that they are making and they have a nice song so the lation will hear and love so cool you guys love to sing
23years old
Lenny Kaye is 64 years old (birthdate: December 27, 1946).