As of 2014, Burt Reynolds is now 78 years old. His birthday is in February.
Carter Reynolds is 21 years old (birthdate May 24, 1996).
Dean Reynolds is 48 years old (birthdate: January 11, 1963).
Bert Convy was born on July 23, 1933 and died on July 15, 1991. Bert Convy would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.
lol she is 5 in 3 quarters
US actor Ryan Gosling is 37 years old (birthdate: November 12, 1980).
He did lose his hair later in life.
Nope- but their real last names are both Reynolds. They are from different parts of the US, and no relation.
bert reynolds
As of the 2014 MLB season, Matt Reynolds is 29 years old.
Carter Reynolds is 21 years old (birthdate May 24, 1996).
Bert Olmstead is 85 years old (birthdate: September 4, 1926).
Bert Trautmann is 87 years old (birthdate: October 22, 1923).
Bert Williams is 91 years old (birthdate: January 31, 1920).
Bert Tamajoli is 30 years old (birthdate: October 26, 1980).
Andrew Reynolds is 39 years old (birthdate: June 6, 1978).
Sandra Reynolds is 76 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1934).