Alex had a half-brother called Tom (not Daniel) who died in his sleep in 1999. He did not commit suicide as widely reported on the internet. His brother was 21 when he died.
Alex has, in recent months, spoke about his brother in interviews to STOP all the misinformation circulating.
But if that were true, the lyrics to Therapy don't make sense. I've never seen anywhere that he died in his sleep.
^^ The song Therapy was not about Tom. The song Lullabies is.
Alex Auld is 30 years old (birthdate: January 7, 1981).
Alex Arrowsmith is 34 years old (birthdate: July 10, 1982).
Alex the clown is 29 years old he was born on november 10,1983
Alex Karras was 77 years old when he died on October 10, 2012 (born July 15, 1935).
He died in 1999 and that comes from Alex himself. Alex has recently started speaking about his brother in interviews, to stop all the misinformation that circulates. Alex has said his brother did not commit suicide, he died in his sleep.
Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low) is 30 years old (birthdate December 14, 1987).
Alex was born on 14th December 1987. He is 22 at the moment.
He was born in England. But moved to the US when he was seven years old
His name is Alex Gaskarth and he is 22. His birthday is on the 15th of December. Hope this helps xx
22 (all of them)
alex rider is 14 years old in all of the books.
they're about 20.
21 and 22.