Zoe Laskari is 68 years old (birthdate: December 14, 1942).
She is 42 years old
Swedish singer Rolf Larsson, aka Joey Tempest is 53 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1963).
She was born in 1934, so now she is 75 year old.
Quincy is now 16. He just had a stunnin 16 that you can watch on sweet sixteen website. I hope that this was any help to you.
Zoe is 15 years old :)
Terry Tempest Williams is 56 years old (birthdate: September 8, 1955).
Zoe Whelan is 18 years old, as of 13 June 2013.
old age
There are 2 variations of the Tempest. If it is Marked "Tempest" then it was made between 1979-81, if it is marked "Webley Tempest" it was made between 1981-2005
Zoe Wiseman is 40 years old (birthdate: October 23, 1970).
Zoe Caldwell is 83 years old (birthdate: September 14, 1933).
Zoe Belkin is 24 years old (birthdate May 3, 1993).
Zoe Laskari is 68 years old (birthdate: December 14, 1942).
Zoella "Zoe" Sugg is 27 years old. She was born on 28 March 1990.
The former actress from "Reed Between The Lines",Zoe Borde, is 14 yrs old ;)
Zoe . Akins has written: 'The old maid'