Aang is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen, also known as Zach Tyler.
Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen was born in 1720.
She was born in the year of the rat so that would mean she was born in 1972, 1984 or 1996
As of the 2014 MLB season, Tyler Skaggs is 22 years old.
he is 31 :)
they did a pilot with Mitchel musso (un-aired) and a pilot with Zach tyler eisen. Zach tyler eisen was the choice!
Aang is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen .
He lives in Stamford, Connecticut.
Aang is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen, also known as Zach Tyler.
Aang is played by Zach Tyler Eisen .
Aang is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen .
Yes, I believe there is a picture of him (Zach Tyler Eisen) on his Wikipedia page.
Aang is the last airbender. In the series is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen and in the movie he is played by Noah Ringer
The singing voice of Pablo is played by Sean Curley The season 1 speaking voice of Pablo is played by Zach Tyler Eisen The seasons 2-3 speaking voice of Pablo is played by Jake Goldberg The dancing of Pablo is played by Tasha Cooper
Only in the un-aired pilot episode. Zach Tyler Eisen is the real voice actor for Aang.
Zach Tyler Eisen provides the voice of Aang . Noah Ringer will play the part of Aang in the upcoming live action film "The Last Airbender" due to be released on July 2, 2010 .
Tripp Eisen is 46 years old (birthdate: June 29, 1965).