South African novelist Wilbur Smith is 84 years old (birthdate: January 9, 1933).
Cameron Smith is 34 years old (birthdate: June 18, 1983).
Shawnee Smith is 47 years old (birthdate: July 3, 1970).
Sheridan Smith is 36 years old (birthdate: June 25, 1981).
Wilbur Sweatman was born in 1882.
Yes there was, released in 1978 It was called "The Wild Geese" and starred Richard Burton, Roger Moore and Richard Harris.
Wilbur Smith was born on January 9, 1933.
Wilbur Smith was born on January 9, 1933.
Author Wilbur Smith is still alive. He is 81
Wilbur Smith is releasing his next book, Those in Peril, sometime in 2011.
No hes dead
Wilbur Wright was 45 when he died.
Wilbur Wright was 45 when he died.
Wilbur Wright was 36 years old in 1903.
Wilbur Mills was born on May 24, 1909 and died on May 2, 1992. Wilbur Mills would have been 82 years old at the time of death or 106 years old today.
Wilbur and Orville never had kids or got married.