His birthday is December 11, 1974, so he's 45 as of December 02, 2020.
Oscar Gutierrez (aka Rey Mysterio) was born on December 12, 1974 in San Diego, California. So he is currently 34 years old.
No Rey Mysterio Jr. is not Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is the one who trained rey mysterio Jr. Rey Mysterio is rey myserio Jr.'s uncle You are partly right in that Rey Mysterio, Sr. did train Rey Mysterio, Jr. BUT Rey Mysterio, Jr. has dropped the Jr. off of his name is known as Rey Mysterio. So in that regard you are wrong.
US wrestler Óscar Gutiérrez aka Rey Mysterio is 43 years old (birthdate: December 11, 1974).
35 years old
No, he is sidelined from multiple old injuries that are bothering him. Actually, he's healing from 2 injuries he suffered in a match against Rey Mysterio on SmackDown.
rey mysterio is 40 in 2011 by suhel miah!
He is 37 years old now (He was born on Dec 11th 1974)
His debut was in 2002. He was 27 years old at that time
He was born December 11, 1974 making him 36
Rey Mysterio was born on 11th December 1974. As of April 2013 he is 38 years old. Rey Mysterio is one of the most popular WWE superstars of the latin decent. He was out for a long time due to a knee injury and returned to WWE television last week on RAW
if by 619 you mean Rey Mysterio's finish move I think Rey created that move around 2004
No Rey Mysterio Jr. is not Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is the one who trained rey mysterio Jr. Rey Mysterio is rey myserio Jr.'s uncle You are partly right in that Rey Mysterio, Sr. did train Rey Mysterio, Jr. BUT Rey Mysterio, Jr. has dropped the Jr. off of his name is known as Rey Mysterio. So in that regard you are wrong.
It really depends on how good you are, Rey Mysterio joined at age 16
no he did not
rey mysterio 27 years old single and needs a girlfrend do you know how i know because i do ok
Rey Mysterio Was Born 11 December 1974 .... Making Him 35
Rey Mysterio married to Angie GutiΓ©rrez in 1996