Tony Hillerman was born on May 27, 1925 and died on October 26, 2008. Tony Hillerman would have been 83 years old at the time of death or 90 years old today.
US actor John Hillerman was 84 years old when he died on November 9, 2017 (birthdate: December 20, 1932).
Tony Dovolani is 43 years old (birthdate: July 17, 1973).
Tony Boselli is 39 years old (birthdate: April 17, 1972).
Tony Barber is 71 years old (birthdate: March 28, 1940).
Tony Delk is 37 years old (birthdate: January 28, 1974).
Tony Hillerman died on October 26, 2008 at the age of 83.
Tony Hillerman's birth name is Anthony Grove Hillerman.
Tony Hillerman was born on May 27, 1925.
Tony Hillerman died on October 26, 2008 at the age of 83.
The phone number of the Tony Hillerman Library is: 505-291-6262.
The address of the Tony Hillerman Library is: 8205 Apache NE, Albuquerque, 87110 4705
Sadly, Tony Hillerman passed away a year ago so there will be no more of these books. The last one is "the Shape Shifter".
Tony Hillerman was an American author known for his mystery novels, particularly those featuring Navajo Tribal Police detectives Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee. He was best known for his atmospheric descriptions of the Southwest landscape and Native American culture in his novels. Hillerman's works have won numerous awards and have been highly praised for their authenticity and storytelling.
They are not siblings. Tony Hillerman was born in Sacred Heart, OK on May 27, 1925. He was the youngest of three children, having an older brother and sister. His father, August A. Hillerman, was a storekeeper and farmer. His mother was Lucy Grove Hillerman. John Hillerman Birthplace: Denison, Texas, USA Birthday: 12-20-1932 Birth Name: John Benedict Hillerman According to a question on Jeopardy! on June 30, 1993, John Hillerman and Tony Hillerman are second cousins.
The Great Taos Bank Robbery: And Other True Stories of the Southwest, is a novel by Tony Hillerman. Tony Hillerman was an award-winning author and newspaperman, best known for his mystery novels set on the Navajo Nation.
US actor John Hillerman was 84 years old when he died on November 9, 2017 (birthdate: December 20, 1932).
John Hillerman's birth name is John Benedict Hillerman.