Tom Tryon was born on January 14, 1926 and died on September 4, 1991. Tom Tryon would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 89 years old today.
Tom is 16 years old (2010)
Tom Pelphrey is 29 years old (birthdate: July 28, 1982).
Tom Nalen is 40 years old (birthdate: May 13, 1971).
Tom Wilkinson was born on December 12, 1948.
US actor Thomas "Tom" Selleck is 72 years old (birthdate: January 29, 1945).
Tom Tryon died on September 4, 1991 at the age of 65.
Tom Tryon is 6' 3".
Tom Tryon was born on January 14, 1926.
Tom Tryon was born on January 14, 1926.
Tom Tryon died on September 4, 1991 at the age of 65.
There are several Thomas Tryon's, please identify which one you mean.
George Tryon died at the age of 61 on June 22, 1893.
George Tryon was born on January 4, 1832 and died on June 22, 1893. This would have been 61 years old at the time of death or 178 years old today.
The address of the Tryon Public Library is: 25 S Main St, Tryon, 74875 0065
Tryon Edwards was born in 1809.