Rhett Akins's birth name is Thomas Rhett Akins.
Rhett Fisher is 31 years old (birthdate: May 22, 1980).
Rhett Giles is 6' 0".
Rhett is 6ft7, Link is 6ft.
Rhett Coates's birth name is Everette Coates.
Thomas Rhett was born on March 30, 1990 in Valdosta, Georgia.
Rhett Akins's birth name is Thomas Rhett Akins.
The Thomas Rhett EP is available on both CD and iTunes. He recently released a self-titled EP.
Rhett Bomar is 32 years old (birthdate: July 2, 1985).
Rhett Akins is 41 years old (birthdate: October 13, 1969).
Rhett Fisher is 31 years old (birthdate: May 22, 1980).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Rhett Ellison is 25 years old.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Rhett Ellison is 25 years old.
Yes her name is Charlotte Paulsen.
Oh, dude, Thomas Rhett's favorite color is actually blue. Yeah, like the sky or the ocean, you know? So, if you ever want to get him a gift or something, a nice blue shirt or hat might do the trick. But hey, if you're not into his music, then who really cares, right?
Rhett McLaughlin goes by Rhett.