Teresa Heinz Kerry is 79 years old (born Maria Teresa Simões-Ferreira, October 5, 1938).
She is the wife of former senator John Kerry.
John Kerry
Kerry Dixon is 50 years old (birthdate: July 24, 1961).
Kerry is 15 years old, she's the middle child.
Former NBA shooting guard Kerry Kittles is 43 years old (birthdate: June 12, 1974).
Kerry Packer died on December 26, 2005 at the age of 68.
Teresa Heinz Kerry was born on October 5, 1938.
Teresa Heinz Kerry was born on October 5, 1938.
Teresa Heinz Kerry's birth name is Maria Teresa Thierstein Simes-Ferreira.
John Kerry
Larry King Live - 1985 Exclusive Senator John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry was released on: USA: 10 February 2010
John Kerry married to Julia Thorne from 1970 to 1988 John Kerry married to Teresa Heinz in 1995
John Kerry married to Julia Thorne from 1970 to 1988 John Kerry married to Teresa Heinz in 1995
Vanessa is John Kerry's daughter. His wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, doesn't mention a diagnosis date, but stated publicly in December of 2009 that she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Teresa Heinz was born on 1938-10-05.
Teresa Heinz is the Heiress of H.J. Heinz company by marring the owner Henry John Heinz in 1966 who later died in 1991. She is a successful businesswoman and was an interpreter for the United Nations.
Kerry and Heinz signed a prenuptial agreement and have kept their premarital assets separate. Each of there wealth is of there own. They share a lot of money but each have there own wealth that neither party is entitled to.
Kerry is 44 years old.