US actor Steven Culp is 62 years old (birthdate: December 3, 1955).
No, They're not.
Steven Yeun is 34 years old (birthdate December 21, 1983).
Steven Chu is 63 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1948).
Steven Adler is 52 years old (birthdate: January 22, 1965).
Steven Dye is 47 years old (birthdate: September 17, 1963).
Steven Culp was born on December 3, 1955.
Steven Culp was born on December 3, 1955.
No, They're not.
Katie and Joe, fraternal twins.
Dennis Bayne Culp is 41 years old (birthdate: April 23, 1970).
Ex-MLB pitcher Ray Culp is 76 years old (birthdate: August 6, 1941).
Robert Culp was born on August 16, 1930 and died on March 24, 2010. Robert Culp would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.
Robert Culp died on March 24, 2010 at the age of 79.
The cast of Cigar Man - 2013 includes: Amy Chaffee Steven Culp as Ken
Robert Culp's birth name is Robert Martin Culp.