In 2020 Sonny is in his late teens.
Sonny Moore is 23 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1988).
Yes, Sonny Rollins is still alive in 2011 he will be 81 years old
Sonny Gray was born on 1989-11-07.
MLB player Sonny Gray is 5'-11''.
Sonny Gray plays for the Oakland Athletics.
Sonny Gray is a starting pitcher for the Oakland Athletics.
MLB player Sonny Gray was born in Nashville, TN.
MLB player Sonny Gray weighs 180 pounds.
Sonny Gray is number 54 on the Oakland Athletics.
MLB player Sonny Gray made $502500 in the 2014 season.
Sonny Gray was born November 7, 1989, in Nashville, TN, USA.
MLB player Shin-Soo Choo bats left.
Sonny Gray is 5 feet 11 inches tall. He weighs 200 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
tawni is 15 and sonny is 15 but sonny is just plain old weird just weird