Shep Pettibone's birth name is Robert E. Pettibone Jr..
Shep Messing was born on October 9, 1949.
His manager is called Shep Gordon.
he has 15 because he was lazy and had no job but the corner jk
Shep Pettibone's birth name is Robert E. Pettibone Jr..
Shep Pettibone was born on July 15, 1959.
Shep Pettibone was born on July 15, 1959.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Jonathan Pettibone is 23 years old.
Old Shep was created in 1933.
Jenice Pettibone is 5' 8".
I Fayette Pettibone is a fictional character created by Marjorie Benton Cooke in the novel "I, the Jury." The book follows the story of Pettibone, who narrates his experiences as a juror in a murder trial.
Jonathan Pettibone plays for the Philadelphia Phillies.
Jenice Pettibone goes by Jenni.
old shep
Old Shep.
George Pettibone died on 1908-08-03.