Shari Belafonte is 58 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1954).
Yes, Shari Headley has 1 kids
Yes. Shari Lewis died on August 2, 1998 at the age of 65.
ketty perry is really 29[december 18 1980
Shari Nishijima is 5' 2".
Sonny Dyon goes by Sonny.
Shari Belafonte is 58 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1954).
Shari Headley is 52 years old (born July 15, 1964).
Sonny Dyon was born on April 11, 1973, in Maywood, Illinois, USA.
Shari Lewis was born on January 17, 1933 and died on August 2, 1998. Shari Lewis would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.
The cast of Shari-ng with Shari - 2012 includes: Shari Alyse as herself
Katey Perry is currently 26 years old.
yes because he feels no emotions and speaks in a monotone voice
Bradley Steven Perry is 11 years old at this moment
Shari Rigby's birth name is Shari Wiedmann.
Shari Hamrick's birth name is Shari Lynn Barker.
Shari Albert's birth name is Shari Melissa Albert.