TV hostess Samantha Brown is 48 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1969).
samantha boscarino's boyriend is lorenzo meyers
No she is not single she does have boyfriend
Samantha's full name is Samaria Lilly Boscarino
Samantha boscarino
Based upon the other ages, Luis is 5 years older than Samantha, therefore, when Samantha is 34, Luis would be 39. 34+5=39
Samantha Boscarino's birth name is Samantha Joann Boscarino.
Samantha Boscarino full name is Samantha joann Boscarino
Samantha Boscarino was born on December 26, 1994, so she is currently 26 years old.
Samantha Boscarino is home schooled.
December 26, 1994
samantha boscarino's boyriend is lorenzo meyers
spencers ex girlfriend and pjs new girlfriend If you meant her real name, then Samantha Boscarino (sp?). It is on wiki.
Yes Samantha has a sister Lea Boscarino.
Samantha boscarino weights 110 pounds I am guessing
Samantha Boscarino was born December 26, 1994). She was 13 when she filmed the movie "The Clique" (March 2008), the same age as her character, Alicia.
Yes, Lea Boscarino.
Samantha Boscarino goes by sambosco, Sam, Sammy, and Sam Bosco.