sam Walton passsed his buisness to his two daughters Audrey and leanne
Izaak Walton was born on August 9, 1593 and died on December 15, 1683. Izaak Walton would have been 90 years old at the time of death or 421 years old today.
No, it is owned by Walton family; legal heirs of Sam Walton. S. Robson Walton (Chairman) Mike Duke (President & CEO) As of June 2012 Buffet owned aproximately 47 million shares worth about 3.3 billion dollars.
I'm not telling you -Sam
Sam and kian are 16
Sam Walton was 74 when he died .
Sam Walton was 74 years old when he died.
It is Sam Moore Walton
he was around the age of 23.
Sam Walton founded Walmart and Sam's Club.
when was the date when Sam Walton died?
Sam Walton in 1962
Sam Walton
Sam Walton learned management trainee.
Sam Walton was the founder of Walmart. The late Sam Walton
Sam Walton was the founder of the Walmart empire.
In 1945 Sam Walton opened his first variety store which he named Walton's Five and Dime.