Doc Shaw is 19 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1992).
Dash Shaw is 28 years old (birthdate: April 6, 1983).
Aiden Shaw is 45 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1966).
Robert Shaw was 23 at the beginnig of the movie "Glory".
Run Run Shaw was born on October 4, 1907.
Run Run Shaw was born on October 4, 1907.
Run Run Shaw went by Uncle Sixth.
Run Run Shaw's birth name is Ren-leng Shao.
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital was created in 1989-12.
Run Run Shaw died on January 7, 2014, in Hong Kong, China.
The cast of Citizen Shaw - 1980 includes: Run Run Shaw as himself Kuan Tai Chen as himself Hua Yueh as himself
As of the 2014 MLB season, Bryan Shaw is 26 years old.
Doc Shaw is 19 years old (birthdate: April 24, 1992).
Tyler Shaw is 21 years old. He was born on April 8, 1993.
Tommy Shaw is 57 years old (birthdate: September 11, 1953).
Larramie Shaw is 25 years old (born April 24, 1992).