There are multiple celebrities with this name:
John Edward Fuller (ex-MLB) is 67 years old (birthdate: January 29, 1950).
John Fuller (poet) is 80 years old (birthdate: January 1, 1937).
Sir John Bryan Fuller died at age 91 in 2009.
she is in her 40 s. Her ex is Tony Granims. She was living with him in Fl while he was pulling off the most sophisticated jewel heists in US history. Look at Masterminds TV show.Tony Granims. Yeah she knew because I knew her then.
As far as I know, Bob fuller is still alive and well, living in Texas, he attended Festival of the West in 2009.
around 12-13
Robert Cray is 58 years old (birthdate: August 1, 1953).
Robert Keppel is 67 years old (birthdate: June 15, 1944).
Robert Fuller was born on July 29, 1933.
Robert W. Fuller was born in 1936.
Robert Fuller Murray was born in 1863.
Robert Fuller Murray has written: 'Robert F. Murray (author of The scarlet gown)'
what did robert fulton invENted
Clarence C. Fuller has written: 'Records of Robert Fuller of Salem and Rehoboth and some of his descendants'
Robert Fuller Duncan has written: 'A cruising guide to the New England coast' -- subject(s): Harbors, Pilot guides
Robert Hart Fuller has written: 'South Africa at home' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Description and travel
Robert Lynn Fuller has written: 'Phantom of fear' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Economic conditions, Banks and banking, History
Robert Fuller's first wife, Patricia Lee Lyon, passed away in 2011. They were married from 1962 to 1984. Lyon was an actress and appeared in several TV shows alongside Fuller during their marriage.
Robert Smith Playfair has written: 'Fuller at Harvard'