US singer Adrienne Monique Coleman Jordan is 37 years old (birthdate: November 13, 1980).
Pierre Paul Puget was born on October 31, 1622 and died on December 2, 1694. Pierre Paul Puget would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 392 years old today.
he's 56
Jay Bouvier is one of two older brothers of Simple Plan's Pierre Bouvier. Jay is about a year older, born 1978, while brother Pierre was born May 9, 1979. Pierre has said they are like fraternal twins. The third brother, Jonathan, is the oldest.
Pierre Quiroule was born in 1892.
Pierre Mercure died on January 29, 1966 at the age of 38.
Pierre Mercure was born on February 21, 1927.
Pierre Mercure was born on February 21, 1927.
Pierre Mercure died on January 29, 1966 at the age of 38.
Jean Mercure's birth name is Pierre Isaac Libermann.
Mercure Hotels was created in 1967.
Hayes Mercure is 6' 2".
Mercure de France was created in 1672.
Monique Mercure was born on November 14, 1930.
Mercure de France ended in 1825.
Monique Mercure was born on November 14, 1930.
The population of Saint-Michel-Mont-Mercure is 2,071.