Paul Castellano was born on June 26, 1915 and died on December 16, 1985. Paul Castellano would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 100 years old today.
Paul Merton is 60 years old (birthdate: July 9, 1957).
Paul Bettany is 46 years old (birthdate: May 27, 1971).
Paul Condon is 64 years old (birthdate: March 10, 1947).
Paul Bissonnette is 26 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1985).
Paul Azinger is 51 years old (birthdate: January 6, 1960).
Paul Castellano died on December 16, 1985 at the age of 70.
Paul Castellano had four siblings: Constantino "Gus" Castellano, Joseph Castellano, Blanche Castellano, and Catherine Castellano.
Paul Castellano's birth name is Constantino Castellano.
Paul Castellano was born on June 26, 1915.
Paul Castellano was born on June 26, 1915.
Paul Castellano went by Big Paul, The Howard Hughes of the Mob, PC, Pauly, and The Pope.
America's Most Wanted - 1988 Paul Castellano was released on: USA: 26 November 1989
Mobsters - 2007 Paul Castellano 1-20 was released on: USA: 12 July 2008
Torry Castellano is 38 years old (birthdate: January 8, 1979).
Paul castellano
Sparks Steak House