Olivia Harrison. She is the wife of former Beatle George Harrison who died in 2001.
His mother, Olivia Trinidad Arias, is Mexican (born in Mexico City), so he is half Mexican.
Dhani Harrison is 33 years old (birthdate: August 1, 1978).
Olivia Scott-Taylor (Wild at Heart) is 26 years old (born December 10, 1991).
US actress Olivia Holt (Girl vs Monster) is 20 years old (born August 5, 1997).
Olivia Harrison was born in Mexico City, Mexico.
Olivia Harrison was born on 1948-05-18.
Olivia Harrison.
Olivia Harrison.
George Harrison's wife was Olivia Harrison, and she is currently alive and 66 years old. Paul McCartney's wife was Linda McCartney who passed away in 1998.
Not since Harrison's death in November 2001.
Olivia Trinidad Harrison (born O. T. Arias)
Olivia Harrison. She is the wife of former Beatle George Harrison who died in 2001.
September 2, 1978
The name Olivia has originated in the Greek culture for olive trees,so not Realy, but my name is Olivia and I'm Mexican