Nina Simone was born on February 21, 1933 and died on April 21, 2003. Nina Simone would have been 70 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.
Nina Simone died on April 21, 2003 at the age of 70.
Uzumaki Naruto of course! Who's Werid Al Yankovic anyway? :p
Nina Hartley is 59 years old (born Marie Louise Hartman, March 11, 1959).
No, Al has no son, but he does have one daughter, Nina L. Yankovic.
Yes. He has a daughter named Nina Yankovic that was born in February of 2003.
Nina Louise Yankovic
Nina Louise Yankovic. She was born to Al and Suzanne on February 11, 2003.
Yes, he has a daughter named Nina Louise Yankovic born in February 2003. The family currently resides in California.
Al got married on February 10, 2001 to his wife Suzanne. They have a daughter named Nina, born February 11, 2003.
Nick Yankovic's birth name is Nick Louis Yankovic.
As of October 23, 2009, exactly 50 years old.
when Nina will be 18 years old, her mother will be of 36 years. so at the of Nina's 18 years, she will be half old as her mother.
Weird Al's song "Eat it" Can be found on Two CD's entitled "Weird Al" Yankovic The Food Album and The Essential "Weird Al" Yankovic The Essential "Weird Al" Yankovic can be found in Wal-marts currently. I found my "Weird Al" Yankovic The Food Album at an old CD store so I'm sure you cna find one of those CDs in stores.
Nina is the same as Coco, 15 years old.
Al's parents were Nick and Mary Yankovic. Frankie Yankovic was not related to Al.