Margaret "Milla" Hager is 4 years old (born April 13, 2013).
She is the daughter of Jenna Bush Hager, and the granddaughter of George W. Bush.
Cameroon footballer Roger Milla is 65 years old (birthdate: May 20, 1952).
Roger Milla was 38 when he played in the 1990 World Cup.
Jim Hager died on May 1, 2008. Jon Hager died on January 9, 2009.
US actress Milla Jovovich is 42 years old (birthdate: December 17, 1975).
No, Milla Jovovich is not single.
Britt Hager's birth name is Britt Harley Hager.
Royce Hager's birth name is Royce D. Hager.
Milla Donovan was created in 2003.
Milla Davenport is 5' 7".
Roger Milla is 176 cm.
Wes Hager is 6'.
Jon Hager died in 2009.