Anahí (Anahí Giovanna Puente Portilla de Velasco), who plays Mia Colucci, is 34 years old (born May 14, 1983).
Galen Gering, who plays Rafe Hernandez on Days of our Lives, is 40 years old. He was born February 13, 1971.
she lives in bexhill
She was born on June 28, 1978, so she is 34.
Lesley Gore never appeared on Days of our Lives. However, she did star in a 1977 TV movie entitled 'Good Old Days.'
Mia Farrow is 72 years old (birthdate: February 9, 1945).
Mia was played by Taylor Spreitler from 2009-2010.
Kate Voegele
No Mia Ham lives in LA.
Galen Gering, who plays Rafe Hernandez on Days of our Lives, is 40 years old. He was born February 13, 1971.
Mia Hamm currently lives in Maine with her husband and twins.
Mia lives in Portland, Oregon.
Drake Hogestyn, who plays John Black on Days of our Lives, was born on September 29, 1953. He is 59 years old.
she lives in bexhill
I think Mia Hewitt is 6 years old
Mia Mckenna Bruce is 15 years old :)
she lives in kent.
She is 37 years old