Matthew Le Tissier is 42 years old (birthdate: October 14, 1968).
Georgette Tissier died on March 30, 1959, in Paris, France.
Matthew Modine is 58 years old (birthdate: March 22, 1959).
Matthew "Mdot" Finley is 26 years old. (birthdate: July 12, 1987).
Tuan Le is 33 years old (birthdate: February 15, 1978).
He is born in 1994
Matthew Le Tissier was born on October 14, 1968.
Matthew Le Tissier was born on October 14, 1968.
Matt Le Tissier's birth name is Matthew Paul Le Tissier.
Matt Le Tissier goes by Le God.
Matt Le Tissier is 186 cm.
Tony Le Tissier has written: 'Der Kampf um Berlin 1945'
Matt Le Tissier was born on October 14, 1968, in Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK.
Jean Tissier went by Le nonchalant qui passe (an allusion to the song 'Le chaland qui passe').
The surname Letissier is French, also as Le Tissier and Tissier, meaning "to weave", or Tisseur, "a weaver". The surname Le Tissier means, "The Weaver"; probably a name for someone who weaves clothing. This surname is also found in England.
He Supports Southampton FC
Matt Le Tissier and James Beattie.