Matt Hardy was born in September 1974. He is 37 years old. He is best known for his time with the WWE where he was a 6 time Tag Team champ, WWE United States Champion, European Champion etc. He spent some time with TNA Wrestling as well
72 years old
Matt who? Matt Hardy? Matt Hardy is in TNA
Matt Hardy's real name is Matt Hardy
US wrestler Jeff Hardy is 40 years old (birthdate: August 31, 1977).
Success and Accomplishments wise, Jeff Hardy can be considered better than Matt Hardy. Jeff has been a one time WWE Champ, two time World Heavyweight Champ in the WWE and a two time TNA heavyweight champion. Whereas, Matt hasn't won any such high profile championships.
72 years old
Matt Hardy is currently 37.
Matt hardy is 35 and Jeff hardy is 32
Currently right now in 2009 Matt hardy is 34 years old....and his birthday is september23 1974
does matt hardy have a son because I saw a ten year old boy that lokks just him when he was a boy matt hardy
No he is 34.
Matt who? Matt Hardy? Matt Hardy is in TNA
Matt Hardy's real name is Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy will turn 46 on his birthday in 2020 (birthdate: September 23, 1974).
Jeff hardy and Matt hardy are the hardy again
Does Matt hardy and Jeff hardy have facebook