UK personality Mark Labbett is 51 years old. He was born August 15, 1965 in Tiverton, Devon, England.
Mark Labbett is 6' 6".
Both appear on the game show "The Chase" (2009 to present) Mark Labbett was born August 15, 1965. Shaun Wallace was born June 2, 1960.
The beast is Mark Labbett, born in Tiverton, Devon, England.
is he married or has he been married and what is his IQ
The chasers take it in turn to catch the contestants the chasers are Mark Labbet from Cardiff Shaun Wallace from London Ann Hegerty from Manchester
Mark Labbett is 6' 6".
Mark Labbett goes by The Beast.
Mark Labbett was born on 15 August 1965 in Tiverton, Devon, England.
Both appear on the game show "The Chase" (2009 to present) Mark Labbett was born August 15, 1965. Shaun Wallace was born June 2, 1960.
Yes, Mark Labbett, also known as "The Beast" from the TV show "The Chase," has a brother named Phil. Phil Labbett is a teacher and the siblings share a close bond.
been married
The beast is Mark Labbett, born in Tiverton, Devon, England.
is he married or has he been married and what is his IQ
Mark Labbett, also known as "The Beast" on the TV show The Chase, weighs approximately 350 pounds.
Yes, he lives in Newport gwent. He trains in the same gym as me.