US footballer Marcelo Balboa is 50 years old (birthdate: August 8, 1967).
Marcelo Chiesa's birth name is Marcelo Chiesa.
Marcelo Madureira's birth name is Marcelo Garmatter Barreto.
Marcelo Pogolotti was born in 1902.
Pepe Aguilar is 6'5.
Jovy Marcelo was born on July 21, 1965.
As of June 2014, Marcelo Brozović is 21 years old.
As of June 2014, Marcelo Díaz is 27 years old.
Marcelo Gomes Peixoto, aka Marcelo D2 is 50 years old (birthdate: November 5, 1967).
Marcelo Loffreda is 52 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1959).
Marcelo Salas is 43 years old (birthdate: December 24, 1974).
Marcelo Zalayeta is 32 years old (birthdate: December 5, 1978).
Marcelo Ríos is 42 years old (birthdate: December 26, 1975).
Marcelo Silva is 35 years old (birthdate: May 25, 1976).
Marcelo Bonan is 30 years old (birthdate: May 27, 1981).
Mau Marcelo is 31 years old (birthdate: May 13, 1980).
Jovy Marcelo was born on July 21, 1965 and died on May 15, 1992. Jovy Marcelo would have been 26 years old at the time of death or 50 years old today.
Marcelo T. de Alvear is 143 years old (birthdate: October 4, 1868).