Drew Garrett is 28 years old (birthdate April 21, 1989).
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Leif Garrett was 5 feet 8 inches when he was at the height of his carreer. Leif Garrett was 5 feet 8 inches when he was at the height of his carreer.
Garrett DiBona's birth name is Garrett DiBona.
Garrett Shatzer's birth name is Garrett Ian Shatzer.
Major Garrett's birth name is Major Elliott Garrett.
Major Garrett was born on August 24, 1962
Major Garrett was born on August 24, 1962.
Major Garrett was born on August 24, 1962
Major Garrett's wife is Julie Kirtz, a Fox News correspondent.
Major Garrett is a/an Chief Washington Correspondent with CBS News
Major Garrett went to University of Missouri (BJ, BS)
Major Garrett's wife is Julie Kirtz, a Fox News correspondent.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Garrett Richards is 26 years old.
Garrett Hedlund is 32 years old (birthdate: September 3, 1984).
Garrett Ryan is 17 years old (born August 14, 1999).
Siedah Garrett is 51 years old (birthdate: June 24, 1960).