Chris Brown's sister Lytrell "Tootie" Bundy is about 36 years old (born 1981).
Lytrell Bundy is Chris Brown's older and only sister
Sister's NameChris Brown's sisters' real name is Lytrell Bundy.
Solomon Bundy was born on May 22, 1823 and died on January 13, 1889. Solomon Bundy would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 192 years old today.
Solomon Bundy died on January 13, 1889 at the age of 65.
Lytrell Bundy is Chris Brown's older and only sister
Sister's NameChris Brown's sisters' real name is Lytrell Bundy.
Lytrell Bundy
Lytrell Bundy aka tootie
Lytrell "Tootie" Bundy is about 36 years old (born 1981), eight years older than Chris.
yes he has an older sister, Lytrell Bundy
Yes his sisters name is Lytrell Bundy. She's older than him and she works in a bank.
Chris Brown has only one sister that's older than him her name is Lytrell "Tootie" Bundy.
no he has a sister and a twin brother no he has a sister named Lyndell Bundy and a brother Farrell Brown
As of the 2014 MLB season, Dylan Bundy is 21 years old.
Chris Brown has a mother named Joyce Hawkins and a sister named Lytrell. His father's name is Clinton Brown so Chris got his last name from his father