Lou Christie is 74 years old (born Lugee Sacco, February 19, 1943).
Myles his dancer is not his son. But scooter is his son that is another name for his son Ernie. CHRIS BROWN DOES NOT HAVE ANY KIDS
son of Chick Chandler
Baby drew is Chris browns cousin on his mothers side
Chris Evans doesn't have a son.
Chris Tucker's son was born in 2000 so he will be 9 or 10
He doesn't have one.
Him, his wife, and their 7-year-old son were murdered. ^By Chris himself.
Officer Lou does not have any children.
how old is chris beniot before he died he was using drugs or if he is volient towards his wife and his son
Chris Johnson doesn't have a son.
Hell no that not true people that stupid and Chris brown does to have a son!
Chris Benoit's son has died of a homicidel smotheration cause.
Yes Chris Perez's son does have chromosome down syndrome.
Police believe that Chris Benoit killed his wife, his son, and then hung himself in his basement. An autopsy later performed on Chris revealed that Chris had the brain on an 85 year old man and many believed that Chris Benoit suffered from demetia.
hIS son's name is Ashton