Livia Russo does not share much information about herself to the public. Her age is still unknown.
Rene Russo is 63 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1954).
Livia Simpson Poffenbarger died in 1937.
Livia De Stefani was born in 1913, in Palermo, Sicily, Italy.
Livia Choice died on June 9, 2005, in Munich, Germany of car accident.
Nayli Russo's birth name is Nayli Dayana Rengifo Russo.
Vince Russo is 50 years old (birthdate: January 24, 1961).
Philippe Russo is 49 years old (birthdate: October 4, 1961).
Chris Russo is 52 years old (birthdate: October 18, 1959).
Rene Russo is 63 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1954).
She was born in 1931. You do the math.
Miguel Ángel Russo is 55 years old (birthdate: April 9, 1956).
Livia Krancberg is and 88 year old lady that survied the haluocast when she was 24 years old. Her and her siter help each other to save them selfs for one horrible year
Colin Firth's wife, Livia Giuggioli, was born in 1969, which makes her 41 years old.
Marius Russo was born on July 19, 1914 and died on March 26, 2005. Marius Russo would have been 90 years old at the time of death or 101 years old today.
Renato Russo was born on March 27, 1960 and died on October 11, 1996. Renato Russo would have been 36 years old at the time of death or 55 years old today.
Aaron Russo was born on February 14, 1943 and died on August 24, 2007. Aaron Russo would have been 64 years old at the time of death or 72 years old today.
Alex Russo (Played by Selena Gomez) is 15 years old. Justin Russo (Played by David Henry) is 17 years old. Max Russo (Played by Jake T. Austin) is 13 years old. The Parents Theresa and Jerry Russo are 30-40 years old.