Lisa Lisa (Velez) was born on January 15, 1966, making her 48 years old.
Lisa Whelchel is 54 years old (birthdate: May 29, 1963).
Lisa Kudrow is 53 years old (birthdate: July 30, 1963).
Lisa Ann Walter is 54 years old (birthdate: August 3, 1963).
Lisa Curry-Kenny is 49 years old (birthdate: May 15, 1962).
What is lisa chimes.......
Lisa Millett is 23 yrs old..
As of December 2011 Lisa Marie is 43 years old.
Lisa Murkowski is 54 years old (birthdate: May 22, 1957).
Lisa Gleave is 34 years old (birthdate: November 11, 1976).
Lisa and Jess from The Veronicas are 24yrs old. Their birthday is on Christmas day.
Lisa Lisa (Velez) was born on January 15, 1966, making her 48 years old.
Lisa LoCicero is 47 years old (birthdate April 18, 1970).
Lisa Snowdon is 39 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1972).
Lisa McCune is 40 years old (birthdate: February 19, 1971).
Lisa Germano is 53 years old (birthdate: June 27, 1958).
Lisa Hannigan is 30 years old (birthdate: February 12, 1981).