Oliver's Daughter's Name was Linda Brown (Thompson).
Linda McMahon is 69 years old (birthdate: October 4, 1948).
Linda Cristal is 83 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1934).
Actress born Linda Evanstad. [Nov. 18, 1942]. Best known for her roles as Audra Barkley on the 60's western "The Big Valley", and her role as Krystle Carrington on the 80's show "Dynasty". She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6834 Hollywood Blvd.
64 is linda brown alive and if she is alive in the year of 2012 then how old is she
66 Years old. She was born in 1943
linda brown did not die.
Linda Smith - comedian - was born in 1958.
Linda Catlin Smith was born in 1957.
Linda Smith - comedian - died in 2006.
Linda Brown never died she still lives in Topeka and is 64yrs old now
Linda brown lives in topeka
Linda Brown (Thompson)'s parents were Oliver and Leola Brown.
Linda Johnson Smith Stadium was created in 2006.
Linda brown grew up in Kansas Topeka
yes she was her husbands name is Jacob brown