Reggae musician Keith Musa, aka Levi Roots, is 59 years old (birthdate June 24, 1958).
Mrs. Cliniece Stubbs
I believe his name was Levi Stubbs.
Zachary Levi is 37 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1980).
The Temptations didn't sing "Bernadette". That was The 4 Tops. Lead singer Levi Stubbs sang lead on all the Tops' hits.
US singer Josh Levi (of X-Factor) is 19 years old (born Joshua Levi Bolden, October 7, 1998).Australian Rugby player Joshua "Josh" Levi is 38 years old (born July 14, 1979).
Levi Stubbs died on October 17, 2008 at the age of 72.
Levi Stubbs's birth name is Levi Stubbles.
Levi Stubbs was born on June 6, 1936.
Levi Stubbs was born on June 6, 1936.
Mrs. Cliniece Stubbs
levi stubbs
I believe his name was Levi Stubbs.
Drew Stubbs is 27 years old.
Imogen Stubbs is 50 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1961).
Alan Stubbs is 40 years old (birthdate: October 6, 1971).
Levi Stubbs, Lawrence Payton, Abdul Fakir, and Renaldo Benson were the names of The Four Tops.
George Stubbs died on July 10, 1806 at the age of 81.