Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou is 48 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1963).
Larissa Gomes is 5' 3".
Larissa Marolt is 177 cm.
Larissa Gomes was born on December 29, ????, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Larissa Grudt was born on November 16, 1981, in Tarzana, California, USA.
Larissa Lokenberg was born on December 31, 1969, in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.
Larissa Vouloukos
the person who plays mia's daughter izzy is larissa vouloukos
Larissa Wilson is 22 years old (birthdate: May 5, 1989).
Larissa Marolt is 19 years old (birthdate: July 10, 1992).
Larissa Latynina is 76 years old (birthdate: December 27, 1934).
Larissa Grudt's birth name is Larissa Elise Renee Grudt.
Larissa Bergmann's birth name is Baldauf, Larissa.
The old lady's name that Jonas bathed in "The Giver" is Larissa. She lived in the House of the Old and had a youthful spirit despite her age. Jonas helped her bathe as part of his training to become the Receiver of Memory.
Larissa Kokernot's birth name is Larissa Paige Kokernot.
Larissa Gibson's birth name is Larissa Ione Walker.
Larissa Gomes is 5' 3".
Larissa Marolt is 177 cm.