1. Sasuke Uchiha , 2. L. Lawliet , 3. Itachi Uchiha , 4. Ulquiorra Cifer , 5. Legato Bluesummers , 6. Light Yagami , 7. Vicious , 8. Yuki Sohma , 9. Freya and Zero Kiryu .
Eddie L. Johnson is 56 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1955).
Randall L. Stephenson was born on April 22, 1960.
St Clair L. Palmer was born on March 4, 1954.
He was born in 1991.
Verified by Wikipedia and the authors themselves, L's real name is "L Lawliet."
-SPOILER-L Lawliet.
L does not stand for anything in particular. It is merely L's real name being his last name Lawliet. Full Name: L Lawliet.
That's not even part of his name. People have confused the card with his name shown as L Lawliet but really what it is trying to pass by is this . L = Lawliet .Lawliet Hayu Ryzaki
L Lawliet, The world's greatest detective was born in England.
Lawliett. He's gonna die though.
L Lawliet's birthday is on October 31st.
Lawliet and it is pronouned Lolly it
People belive that his name is L Lawliet but guess what. ITS NOT. People got confuesed with what the card beholding only his FIRST name. The card is stating L = Lawliet not that his name actually is L Lawliet. I am the only know holder in the world (besides him) who knows his reall FULL name. Lawliet Hayu Ryuzaki Yes that is his TRUE name don't let the other people confues for they only lie. How I know this you ask. I'm Beyond Birthday reborn. I contain all knowlage of L's true idetiy,life etc. :) be glad to have me on Answers.com
The cast of Lawliet - 2014 includes: Ricardo Arechiga as Ryuk Ray Evangelista as L Lawliet Austin Hively as Light Yagami John Khouri as Quillish Wammy (Watari)
The answer is no unless another novel comes out saying he does.
There was no funeral. No one but the people who knew who L truly was knew he died. yeah but there was a alternitive ending at L's Funeral and I was wondering what episode it would have ended like that