Kurt Luedtke was born on September 28, 1939, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Kurt Bristoll's birth name is Kurt Raymond Bristoll.
Kurt Levee's birth name is Christophe Kurt Levee.
Kurt Blasberg was born in 1890.
Kurt Crain died on 2012-04-10.
Kurt Browning is 5' 7".
Kurt Browning participates in the sport of figure skating.
Kurt Browning was born on June 18, 1966.
Kurt Browning was born on June 18, 1966.
rocky moutain house in Alberta
Kurt S. Browning.
Kurt Browning has not publicly addressed his sexual orientation, so his sexual orientation is not confirmed. It is important to respect his privacy and not make assumptions about his personal life.
Kurt browning
He listens to the "Rocky" theme tune on his iPod.
Kurt Browning, Canadian Figure skater, has won 5 medals. 4 of which were gold, the other 1 was silver. Kurt is a good figure skater, and he has won plenty of awards for his talents.
Become a 4 time Figure Skating Champion.
8 gold medals