I really dont know but she acts young and I know had them at an early age.
Frankie Jonas is 17 years old (birthdate: September 28, 2000).
Frankie Avalon is 77 years old (born Francis Avallone, September 18, 1939).
How old would frankie lymon be
Frankie Beverly is 71 years old (born Howard Beverly, December 6, 1946).
Frankie Lymon was 25 when he died on Feb. 27. 1968.
Old high school pictures pictures Frankie Rudolph
Keisha Buchanan is 26 years old (birthdate: September 26, 1984).
Keisha Castle-Hughes is 27 years old (birthdate: March 24, 1990).
Robert Coles is 38 years old (birthdate: September 2, 1972).
Kim Coles is 55 years old (birthdate: January 11, 1962).
Bimbo Coles is 43 years old (birthdate: April 22, 1968).
Keisha Cole's parents are Frankie Lons and Sal (an Italian man). Keisha has never met her father. She was adopted by her mother's friends Yvonne and Carl Cole Jr. when she was 2 years old. This is why she looks a lot different than her sister too.
Frankie Jonas is 17 years old (birthdate: September 28, 2000).
Frankie is 8
Frankie is 10 years old